Our Services

Start your business in the United States from anywhere.

LLC Formation

Get started with your limited liability company.

C Corporation

Raise U.S. Venture Capital with your C Corp.

EIN Service

Secure your EIN so you can open a bank account, hire employees & protect your personal assets.

U.S. Bank Account

Separate your personal and business banking and limit your personal liability now.

Doing Business As (DBA)

You may use a business name that is different from its legal registered name.

Start Selling on U.S. Amazon

Amazon,Walmart Seller account, and keep it compliant and legal year-over-year.

Resale Certificates by State

Get A Sales Tax ID, we will Obtain Certificate Get Started Now.

DUN's Number

Apply for a DUNS Number. Get Started Today

Sales Tax Permit

A seller's permit is required for every LLc's making retail sales. Obtain a sales tax license

UEI unique entity id SAM GOV

Get A unique entity id from Sam gov UEI required for federal govt contract


Apply and GET ITIN. Get Started Today

ISO certificates

Obtain ISO certificates

Access the greatest startup ecosystem in the world.

Supporting founders from anywhere.

Expert lifetime support in English and Bangla.

Rewards worth over $150,000 from our exclusive partners.

No hidden fees.

Automated bank account opening & compliance.

Seamless integration with payment processors.

Automated document generation & stock issuance.

We'll handle the paperwork. We'll help you incorporate a business in the United States

Confidently Start Your U.S. LLC. with us...

1. We are able to support almost everyone, but unfortunately there are restrictions based on US sanctions and restrictions from our digital banking partners. Therefore, citizens or residents of the following countries are prohibited from forming a company in the US as a result of US government sanctions and restrictions: Cuba, Iran, North Korea, or Syria. Some of our banking partners also have some residency restrictions for the residents of Belarus, Burundi, Central African Republic, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Nicaragua, North Korea, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela, Yemen, and Zimbabwe. If you reside in one of these countries, please contact our support with a short description of your company to see if you will be able to get a bank account.

2. Your US business address will be provided by the registered agent. It’s free and included with the package for both Wyoming and Delaware companies.

3. We’ll connect you with expert CPAs and attorneys who will help to set you on the right course and avoid costly mistakes. Our fee includes a set of free consultations on taxes, immigration, and more.

4. In the US business law, a registered agent is a company or individual designated to receive government notices. We work with reputable registered agents based in Delaware and Wyoming to provide you with exceptional service. The first year fee is built into our pricing.

5. We are building a tech-enabled, customer-centric service that combines automation and human touch to scale your overall experience. Firstbase.io provides lifetime support to all of our customers. Our team members will be able to assist you with any of your legal or business needs. Our team members are located around the world and focused on delivering the best customer experience. Our team has successfully helped founders in over 180 countries launch their business.

6. We automatically generate a set of essential legal documents after incorporation. Post-Incorporation documents provide clear and necessary information about company owners, operations, and other vital details about the company once incorporation has been completed. All of the documents will be prepared with standard terms used by top startups. Find more information about each generated document here.